Meet The Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is the policy body of the Tonto Basin Chamber of Commerce. Its members represent a cross-section of the business and professional leadership in the community. It has always been considered an honor to serve on the Board. Genuine and unselfish interest in the Chamber and its objective is the first requirement for the Board members.
Other qualifications include:
A willingness to make time and effort to give the proper attention to Chamber responsibilities.
​A business and work experience that will assist in the exercise of sound judgment in considering problems of the Chamber as they relate to the overall program of community development.
The ability to inspire others and to command the respect of associates in responding to worthwhile initiatives sponsored by the Chamber, and to motivate others to resolve community problems.
The ability to work constructively and harmoniously with directors, members and staff of the Chamber in accordance with policies established by the Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors shall:
Set the overall policy of the organization
Provide adequate funds to do the job through the annual budget.
Establish the dues structure.
Approve the structural organization to include an organization chart.
Provide elections of directors and officers in accordance with the bylaws.
Recommend changes in the bylaws.
Fill all vacancies occurring on the Board of Directors in accordance with the bylaws.
Meet as required in the bylaws, or more frequently on the call of the president, or on the board's own motion, and set the dates for such meetings.
Jeff Daniels
Rosemary Golf
Vice President
Open position
Cindy Kofile
Web Master
Arizona Vinyl Signs & Graphics